
I decided to use a central config file on all the configurations a user is supposed to do. The file is called and can be found in the root directory of the project.

Configuration Parameters

The following configuration parameters can be found in the configuration file. The table gives an overview for what they are used:

Parameter Function
IPADDR QRCode IP address for index page
IFACE Server Interface IP for the webserver
PORT Server Interface Port for the webserver
SSL Server Interface is https (SSL) or plain
RECOGNITION Use recognition software or not. GameController will look different depending on this flag
SOUND Control wether to play sound or not
BABEL_DEFAULT_LOCALE Controls the language to be displayed. For now either de or en.
BABEL_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE Timezone to use. Isn’t used yet within the code, though.
DEBUG Python Flask Debugging mode
TESTING Python Flask Testing mode

The other parameters are not supposed to be changed.

Edit the configuration to your liking and proceed to running the scoreboard.